Helping Struggling Students Since 1991
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Emily Nelson

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Emily Nelson

Emily is a Coachella Valley native and graduate of Indio High School. She is an independent Health and Environmental Risk Consultant and has advised our local Coachella Valley Association of Governments on local air quality issues for the past 34 years. She has served on the C.V. Resource Conservation Board as well as on advisory panels for the South Coast Air Quality Management District. She and her husband Dr. Dan Nelson have raised four sons. Two of their boys needed extensive therapy through ILI and were blessed to become fully integrated socially and academically as a result. All four graduated as Valedictorians of their local Christian high school and have pursued careers in medicine, mathematics, engineering and the law. Her interests led her to teach elementary science enrichment classes, judge and mentor science and math fairs and coach high school academic competition teams. Emily and Dan love the Lord, have been married for 41 years and have been involved in children’s ministry from nursery through high school ages. Their current passion is traveling from coast to coast visiting four young grandchildren.

  • BA Biology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
  • MS Forestry and Environmental Studies, Duke University, Durham, NC
  • Doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
  • Director, Integrated Learning Institute, Palm Desert, CA
  • Former Chairman, Coachella Valley PM10 Technical Working Group
  • Member, South Coast Air Basin’s PM10 Task Force
  • Recipient, South Coast Air Quality Management District Clean Air Award
Helping Struggling Students Since 1991